To develop and communicate leading-edge knowledge with respect
to the design, implementation, utilization and management of information
technology in organizations through research, teaching, academic
outreach and interchange.
The Information Systems Research Center operates with the following
major objectives:
- To develop and communicate knowledge with respect to the effective
implementation, management and utilization of information systems
in organizations.
- To promote interaction among MIS professionals and between these
professionals and the academic community.
- To facilitate the education of future MIS professionals.
- To facilitate continuing education and development of MIS academicians.
- To provide training, development, and continuing education for
practicing MIS professionals.
- To provide an effective interface between the MIS business community
and the resources of the University of Houston (access to students,
faculty, library materials, special programs, special publications).
- To provide a platform for the practicing MIS professional to
participate in the educational process through lecture and other
classroom activities.
These objectives provide the framework underlying the programs
and activities undertaken by the ISRC. |